Physical-Chemical Plant
Category / type: industrial wastewater treatment.
Application: suspended substances, turbidity, dyes, surfactants, mineral oils, heavy metals, organic solvents.
Flow: from 500 lt/h up request.
Material: composed, carbon steel, polypropylene,fibreglass (GRP).
Constant flow rate/batch.
High efficiency treatment.
Many substances could be removed from wastewater only by chemical or physical processes. Depending on the wastewater’s composition, the process for chemical-physical wastewater treatment comprises several sub-steps. Efficient solutions can often achieved by combining those different process steps in the right order.
Physical-chemical plants are commonly used for industrial effluents purification. They can treat, in addiction to specific chemicals, a wide range of pollutants, depending on inlet flow and effluent characteristic.
They can be used as treatment for mechanical workshops, car washes, paint, ports, shipyard layover and activities in the marine environment. The design and implementation of this type of equipments requires a high degree of applied detailed engineering knowledge and expertise.
How It Works
The process consists of a series of physical treatments and chemical reactions, followed by a separation phase of the insoluble fraction (sludge flakes) by sedimentation, sludge dewatering and filtering.
Chemical wastewater treatment plant alters chemical water conditions to a degree where harmful substances, dissolved in wastewater, can be easily separated. Precipitation, ionic exchange, flocculation or UV-treatment are other options to remove harmful substances from the wastewater.
An upstream primary treatment, as sedimentation and oil removal, is often required to avoid clogging in follow steps.
A final filtration step (activated carbon) is often adopted in order to remove residual suspended material and reagent traces.
The treatment works with a constant flow rate or discontinuous one (batch system); therefore, depending on incoming flow, equalization tanks (upstream and downstream) are very useful for treatment efficiency.
Sludge is collected, treated and stored in filter bags or on a tape that must be periodically replaced.
Supernatant must be introduced in the treatments cycle, for example in the equalization tank.
System needs pumps, pH meter, dosing pumps, control panel (more often equipped with PLC and GSM remote alarm module), level and pressure sensors and other optional instruments that can improve automation and safety.
Operation and maintenance
Periodical maintenance is required.
For a correct system operation, it is necessary that chemical and physical characteristics of incoming water do not vary significantly, compared with the design data.
Temperature must be constantly monitored to work as project range requirements.
The reagents use and handling, the sludge and all chemicals disposal must be handled only by authorized personnel.
Regulatory framework
National and regional regulatory frameworks set the allowable pollutants in the effluent such as for heavy metals, detergents, paints and solvents.
Features and benefits
Some kind of physical-chemical plants are mounted on skid and so they are lightweight and just need a small footprint.
The plants can treat, for example, water containing paint residues, oils, suspended solids, traces of metals and residues from surface treatment of metals, waters coming from laundries, etc.
Plants are often modular and they can be used in several parallel lines.
Bespoke plants for the physical and also chemical treatment of water from industrial processes and wastewater are suitable to meet particular constraint and requirements.
Advantages (benefits)
- high quality effluent;
- highly automated system;
- pH adjustment.
- advanced treatment;
- reagent storage;
- high sludge quantity;
- controls, analysis needed.
Products in category Physical-Chemical Plant
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