22 March – The World Water Day 2021
Have you ever thought about purifying and reusing domestic waste water for non-drinking purposes? Many people today consider water an unlimited good without realizing that if climatic conditi…
World Water Day 2018
The world water day is celebrated every year on March 22nd. The introduction of the date is born in order to warn populations and governments for the urgent need to preserve and safeguard this natur…
New: three chambers septic tank SEPTIC RS
AZU Water and AZU Voda presents the new three chambers septic tank SEPTIC RS certified and CE marked, according to the European standard EN 12566-1, for pre-treatment of civil discharges coming f…
Holidays in Croatia – Quality of bathing water
AZU Voda d.o.o. reports that the bathing water quality monitoring program started on Monday 22 May 2017. Seven coastal regions are responsible for implementing the provisions of the EEA (Europe…
Water Reuse – Why reuse treated wastewater?
At present, about 1 billion cubic metres of treated urban wastewater is reused annually, which accounts for approximately 2.4% of the treated urban wastewater effluents and less than 0.5% of ann…
World water day
March 22 was chosen as the World Water Day. This was established in order to remember how water is an invaluable resource that needs to be safeguarded by each one of us. Almost all the human activitie…
AZU Water at IFAT Munich 2016
AZU Water will be at IFAT 2016 Munich. We will be at IFAT 2016 Munich to search and find new solution for water and wastewater. IFAT is the the most important exhibition for wastewater were we can g…
Water: the price we pay
You never miss the water till the well runs dry It’s an old saying but it still applies to how we view water today in Europe. We’re lucky to have clean water that’s drinkable from th…
New EU legislation in water reuse
Inception Impact Assessment on the initiative “Minimum quality requirements for reused water in the EU (new EU legislation)” published! Read more about the initiative of the Euro…